Consistent Characters Identity

  • create multiple cref images of the same close-up of characters
    • Gilbatree Consistent Character Assistant: ChatGPT - Glibatree Consistent Character Assistant
    • use 4-5 individual images and apply the person symbol
    • for more complex characters use the multiple-angle approache:
      • generate your character in MJ
      • Edit feature in MJ: enlarge your canvas in Move/Resize to 16:9 (you need space to the right)
      • Adjust the prompt by adding "a high res photo of the same [subject], seen in multiple angles, front and side view" + add images as cref + hit generate
      • save the image as a copy
      • erase the left side of it + add your new image as a cref + generate it
      • repeat the process until you have 4-5 images
    • for more complexe scenes/backgrounds use the 'template scene' approach':
      • generate first a close proximity of the scene called 'template scene', eg. the subject is skydiving.
      • swap the head or body: erase the area that you want to change + add the character reference (cref) images + hit 'submit'
    • for multiple crefs/characters in one image
      • create a template scene first
      • erase the first area+ add a character reference to first subject image + generate
      • erase the second area + add a second character reference to second subject image + generate
    • for perfect consistent backgrounds in images
      • in MJ: create a 'template scene'
      • in Editor: erase everything, but the consistent area + place it on the canvas
      • copy the desired prompt into the image + add the character reference images + generate
  • set seed to 1
    • symbol next to imagine / copy / seed
  • follow the same prompt structure in all pictures
    • generate scenes where your character needs to appear
      • I need scenes for my character, [description of the characer]: I need her, [studying], [action 2], [action 3]
      • copy the prompts into MJ + add the cref images

Consistent Characters with 6.0

  • use the Character StyleRef (--cref) with
  • adjust the Character Weight (--cw): 0 focus only on the face; 100 equals the whole character
  • create a shortcut with "prefere option set": option = name of short cut; value = URL
  • add --style raw to be close to your  prompt

Prompt: woman in a rowing boat --style raw --cref --s 50

Sheets from different Perspectives

Cartoon an Comics

  • character sheet: same character in different views
  • full body reference sheet: close- up view, front view and side view
  • character design sheet: for comics
  • expression sheet: showing face expressions
  • sheet of emojis: a collection of emojis


Natural People

  • same character, multiple poses: sheet --ar 16:9 --cref [URL]

Prompt sample: a portrait of a blond woman, same character, multiple poses: sheet --ar 16:9 --cref --s 50