Abstract Shader Art
- Ink Flow: Simulates liquid ink spreading and flowing across the screen.
- Plasma Effect: Implements the classic demoscene plasma effect using layered sine waves.
- Hypnotic Spiral: Generates a mesmerizing spiral pattern that rotates and pulses with changing colors.
- Kaleidoscopic Pattern: Creates a symmetrical pattern that resembles a kaleidoscope with radial segments.
- Rippling Waves: Creates concentric ripples that emanate from the center with color cycling over time.
- Vortex Tunnel: Creates a swirling tunnel effect with radial distortion.
- Electric Field: Simulates an electric field between two points with dynamic sparks.
- Neon Waves: Displays glowing neon-like waves that move horizontally.
- Quantum Foam: Creates a bubbling, energetic pattern resembling quantum fluctuations.
- Animated Concentric Rings: Generates a pattern of concentric rings with varying thickness and colors that animate outward from the center.
Five examples of abstract shader art code in a similar style to your fragment. Each example uses common GLSL patterns like:
GLSL-style fragment shader code snippets
ChatGPT Prompt: give me examples for short abstract shader art code snippets.
To test the effect use these parameters:
--sw 0 --stylize {500, 1000}
A twisting spiral field with time-based animation ***
float t,i,r,s;vec3 p,d=vec3(FC.xy/400.-0.5,1); for(p=d;i++<80.;)t+=.1,r=length(p.xz), p+=d*0.1*cos(p.x+t)*sin(p.z+r);
--sref 584258796 / crazy code

--sref 1995621888

--sref 1834789605

--sref 3646543705 !!!

A folded space tunnel with symmetric reflections ***
float f,n,m;vec3 c,p,w=vec3(UV.xy*2.-1.,1); for(p=c;n++<60.;)f+=.08,m=length(p), p=abs(p)/dot(p,p)-vec3(.9*sin(f),.7,.5);
--sref 3285311268

--sref 1490464036

--sref 4208062843

--sref 1371020751

A quantum-inspired bubble field with rotating planes
float e,k,s;vec4 q;vec3 v,p=vec3(gl_FragCoord.xy/8.,T); for(k=0.;k++<70.;)e+=.15,s=length(p), p.xz=abs(p.xz)*mat2(cos(k),-sin(k),sin(k),cos(k));
--sref 271480090 / crazy code !!!!

--sref 226681340 !!!

--sref 626533347

A fractal wormhole using logarithmic mapping
float x,y,z;vec3 r,p=vec3(FC.xy/vec2(600),1); for(z=0.;z++<99.;)x+=.05,y=length(p), p=vec3(log(y)*cos(p.x),sin(p.z)*2.,atan(p.y));
--sref 1758293170

--sref 2206414533 / crazy code !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A neural network-like visualization with feedback loops
float n,m,t;vec3 q,p=vec3(UV*2.-1.,0); for(n=0.;n++<85.;)t+=.12,m=length(p.yz), p+=vec3(sin(p.z+t),cos(p.x*m),tan(p.y))*.2;
--sref 4147810448

--sref 2700839672

--sref 1000109511

--sref 3583541946

--sref 2126891411

--sref 1858358592

Abstract, fractal-like pattern
float f,n,m; vec3 c,p,w=vec3(UV.xy*2.-1.,1); for(p=c;n++<60.;) f+=.08, m=length(p), p=abs(p)/dot(p,p)-vec3(.9*sin(f),.7,.5);
--sref 4023229372

vortex-like effect spiraling toward a central point.
float t,n; vec3 p=vec3((FC.xy-vec2(400))/300.,1); for(n=0.;n++<90.;) t=length(p), p.xy=mat2(cos(n*.05),-sin(n*.05),sin(n*.05),cos(n*.05))*p.xy, p/=t-.9;
--sref 3767050936

Recursive Reflection Shader ***
float a,b; vec3 p=vec3(UV*2.-1.,1); for(a=0.;a++<80.;) b=length(p), p=abs(p)/b-vec3(.6,.8,.7)*cos(a*.1);
--sref 13

--sref 698401885

Pulsating Hypercube Shader
float u,v; vec3 p=vec3(UV*2.-1.,1); for(u=0.;u++<75.;) v=length(p), p=abs(p)-vec3(.7*sin(u*.08),.5*cos(u*.1),.6)*v;
--sref 1906449614

Warped Time Tunnel Shader
float w,t; vec3 p=vec3((FC.xy-vec2(400))/200.,1); for(t=0.;t++<100.;) w=length(p), p=vec3(log(w)*sin(p.y),cos(p.x),tan(p.z))*1.1;
--sref 5378

--sref 704415919

--sref 4208062843

Kaleidoscope Shader
float segments = 8.0; angle = mod(angle, 2.0 * 3.14159 / segments); angle = abs(angle - 3.14159 / segments);
--sref 4258653202

Classic Plasma Shader ***
float plasma = sin(uv.x * 10.0 + time) + sin(uv.y * 10.0 + time) + sin(uv.x * 10.0 + uv.y * 10.0 + time) + sin(sqrt(pow(uv.x - 0.5, 2.0) + pow(uv.y - 0.5, 2.0)) * 20.0);
--sref 826704990

Rippling Waves Shader ***
float dist = length(uv - center); float ripple = sin(dist * 50.0 - iTime * 2.0) * 0.5 + 0.5;
--sref 78043730

Energy Bubbles Shader
float bubbles = pow(foam, 4.0) * 5.0;
--sref 2061255413

Hypnotic Spiral Shader
float spiral = sin(radius * 10.0 - angle * 5.0 + iTime * 2.0);
--sref 2061255413

Ink Flow Shader
float ink = 0.6 + 0.4 * sin(flow * 10.0);
--sref 3767050936

Electric Field Shader
float intensity = 0.5 + 0.5 * sin(field * 50.0 + iTime); --ar 3:4 --sref 4214084423 --profile n4rt75m --stylize 150
--sref 4214084423

Fractal Flames Shader
vec3 flame = fractalFlame(uv, time * 0.01);
--sref 481473

Cracks and Details Shader
float cracks = fbm(uv * 8.0 + vec2(flow * 0.2, 0.0)); cracks = smoothstep(0.4, 0.6, cracks)

Smoke Shader
float smoke = fbm(p + fbm(p + fbm(p)));