Video Effects

  • Bullet Time Shot
  • Freeze Frame Shot
  • Slow Shutter Shot
  • Split Diopter Shot
  • Split Screen Shot
  • Upside Down Shot
  • Timelaps Shot
  • Match Cut Shot (Graphic, Movement or Sound)
  • Snorricam Shot
  • Fallen Camera Shot

spirals of smoke dance across the backdrop

the water droplets continue falling all over the place

concentric water waves move

the dark bottle splashes into the water and sinks to the ground

the camera orbits the perfume bottle in 180 degrees, arc shot, static object

circular light painting appears in background

orange energy waves circulate, static camera

dramatic volumetric light rays piercing through turquoise water surface, static camera

Rack Focus

In crisp medium shot, a handsome gentleman (50s) sits in the immediate foreground while blurred lady in red sits in background, his manicured hands cradling a crystal rocks glass filled with amber liquid and a large square ice cube...The camera stays static while its focus gradually shifts, the gentleman's features softening into an elegant bokeh while drawing into sharp relief a striking woman (40s) seated at the bar roughly fifteen feet behind him. She wears a deep burgundy dress, her dark hair swept over one shoulder. As she comes into focus, we see her stirring a martini with practiced grace, the olive catching the light. ... The rack focus emphasizes not just the physical distance between these two characters, but hints at an unspoken narrative hanging in the space between them.

Snorricam Shot

the camera is directly mounted to the man's chest, framing the face of the man, creating an intimate perspective where his head remains fixed while the the world gyrates around him. His long, red hair flows freely at the edges of the frame, dancing and whipping with each swing's arc.
The man's exhilarated laughter provides an organic soundtrack to the mesmerizing visual rhythm of back-and-forth. as she pumps forward again, creating a natural frame within the frame.
Throughout the sequence, the fixed camera position emphasizes the man's stability while the world appears to revolve around him, capturing the pure joy and freedom of childhood play from an intensely subjective viewpoint.


Freeze Frame Shot

static, CLOSE-UP shot on a AMG 21 inch rim set S-Class W223/V223 multi-spoke black high-sheen Mercedes-Benz spinning rapidly (24fps). The texture of shiny wheels blurs with motion. As the wheel gradually decelerates, individual details slowly emerge from the blur - we start to distinguish each spoke, each detail, in the metal. The wheel comes to a sudden complete stop, holding for two seconds in crystal-clear detail. Then it gradually begins turning again, slowly at first, the distinct features gradually dissolving back into motion blur as it accelerates to full speed..